Yoga-coach currently run regular classes on Mondays and Fridays and a series of yoga Saturday worshops in Southampton.

Yoga classes and workshops

Fridays at the Friends Meeting House, Ordnance Rd, Southampton, UK.

5.05 - 6.35 p.m. This class runs throughout the year, except on the rare occasions we take holidays! Although mainly non-beginners attend, beginners are also welcome.

Find Ordnance Road on Google Maps


Mondays at the Warren Centre, Southampton

7.00 - 8.30 p.m. Jeremy's class runs on Mondays during term times, run by the Warren Centre. Beginners and non-beginners are welcome.

5.00 - 6.30 p.m. Jan's Gentle Yoga class runs on Mondays during term times, run by the Warren Centre. Beginners and non-beginners are welcome.

Find the Warren Centre on Google maps





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Page updated February 23, 2013